
Experience Vlieland all year round - the island is beautiful in all seasons !

On Vlieland, you live closer to nature. You experience the seasons: summer, winter, autumn and spring, as well as morning, afternoon, evening and night much more consciously than at home.
Vlieland is outdoor life, enjoy the here and now: sun, wind and rain give each moment its own character.
On the beach and tidal flats, experience the tides: going down to low tide and rising tide to high tide, endlessly repeating....

At the border of land, water and air, you get new energy. Experience Vlieland!

You can reach Wadden Island Vlieland from the Frisian port of Harlingen. After a sailing trip of approximately 1.5 hours, you will arrive on the car-free Wadden Island of Vlieland.

tip: On board is a wonderful moment to disconnect from all the daily worries. Leave them on the `shore`.

Vlieland is about 20 km long and 1-3 km wide, and one of the smallest of the Dutch Wadden Islands. Nearly 1,100 people live there.

Vlieland is a paradise for cyclists and walkers as the municipality has a car-free policy.

Vlieland has a varied landscape with dunes, forest and beach.

You will also find exuberant vegetation and a rich birdlife.

In all seasons it is worth visiting Vlieland, every season has its own charm.

Everything is within cycling distance.

Every year, Vlieland is visited by over 200,000 guests.

Also want to go to Vlieland? Then click on Find & Book to select a holiday home...

Vlieland's anthem

There lies on the rough North Sea beach
Protected by a row of dunes
A small patch of land in all its circumference
Limited in value too
However small it may be
We hold it high in honour
No land on earth is more enchanting
No place is more captivating
Vlieland, Vlieland in the midst of the sea For Vlieland, for Vlieland a hip hip hip hoezee For Vlieland, for Vlieland a hip hip hip hoezee

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